What is a Transitional Pastor?

Posted: March 23, 2011 in transitional pastor

This may be the first “taste” you have had of anything called a “A Transitional Pastor”. This is my way of explaining what that is all about: it is a very intentional way of helping the church family navigate between a former Pastor and a new Pastor.  His goal is to help the church mend any spiritual or relational issues that may exist in the church family and have come to the surface since the former Pastor has left.

He may assist the church family in organizing for ministry and church growth.  He may also help the current staff by training for ministry and preparing them for the arrival of a new Pastor.

He will need to help the church plan some special events to enhance fellowship and outreach.

He will need to help prepare the congregation to receive a new Pastor by educating the congregation on the ministry of the church and the role of the Pastor.

These are a few of the things you can expect.  There are more, and we will go farther in the next blog.

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